Sunday, March 22, 2009


Hmmm. Nope. Don't know who he is. What's the hc dance? Ahh cause I would so know about who was in JPO xDD

Hahaha. Lesbian. Oh how they make me laugh. You would be the farthest thing from lesbian. But yes, I get what you mean xD girls are cool in ties too. Haha so if that makes someone lesbian, then we can be lesbian together. Heck yesss.

That sounded really strange.

So guess who's sitting right here next to me?!

Tiger ^^

He's soooooo cute. If I'm seeing him for the first time that day, and I walk over to him and say hello, he'll give me this huge smile ^_^ It's soo cute. It's really fun to make him laugh. He laughs a lot! Like if you talk to him in a high voice and smile a lot he'll laugh and smile back at you. He talks a lot too ^^ I mean not using words but making noises. And again, SO cute. Ahhh Tiger. My love.

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