Friday, February 19, 2010

O hai

Back again we are. techlab I'm in. Like Yoda, speak I do. :P I'm probably massacring his language. If he saw this he'd probably whip out his light saber and epic slash me to bits. oh well. Anyway.. It's been a while since there's been a post on this blog. :( sad. But otherwise.. school is stressful as usual. uhr. lots of homework and i guess my senior-itis doesn't help.
How has everyone else been? :D

Sunday, April 12, 2009

I post!

Not to mention you completely broke all rules of role playing! Since when can you play other people's characters? I don't think that was ever allowed. RULE BREAKER

So tomorrow will mark our one week anniversary of no TV, Anime, Fiesta or Dramas! Congrats to us for exceeding everyone's expectations!

So far so good. I'm able to better experience life with my tv shows out of the way. Which is obviously good. Life is happier too somehow. Not to mention the vast field of possibilities that has suddenly opened before me! There are so many things I want to try, so many hobbies to explore! We are only touching the surface :D

LET THE FUN BEGINNN (or continue. Whichever)

Monday, April 6, 2009


you spammer!!!!! you must be punished for your awful spamming!
*eyes gleam*
the spammer screams in horror, "oh no!" fearful of Jo's punishment of DOOOOOOOM.
*dark smoke fumes around Jo... fireballs fall from the sky..

.... and CANKLES appears! :O with her substitute awfulness.*

"Nuuuuuuuuuuu! NOt CANKLESSSS!!" rika cries T_T

yes it's true. it's cankles. your worst nightmare. the most horrifying white, wrinkled, high-pitched voice, ankle-less woman EVER.

So with that said, no more spamming you spammer. or i shall invoke mrs. ustare on you next time, and have her spam you with a crapload of work and... and C's!!!! ^_^

..... (gomen for turning this blog into a rp XD)

in anycase. first 2 hours of our fast has ended. 2 more months minus 2 hours left to go. yaaaay!

Saturday, April 4, 2009


So I apologize for the slightly spammy post, but you guys (my few faithful followers) should really check out this giveaway that iPodRip is having! There are some freaking amazing prizes!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

lol. the hardcore dance? ... =/ u know.. the epic headbanging and what not. XD. you should look him up in the year book when u get back. yah. the jpo thing was just... a side note. >.<

yes. that did sound strange. lETS ALL BE LESBIANS TOGETHER!!!
XD well.. at least i know i'm not alone anymore. >.<
imma wear a tie. btw. u HAVE to go to the kawaii kon with me. sign up deadline is on April first. i'm planning on going on the Saturday. it's during the easter weekend. please come ^^ also. password to get a discount is kawaiikon09 i believe.

awwww. i'm so jealous. i wish i were with you with tiger ^^. take lots of pics and vids with him. and show me later. :3 Tiger's so cute >.<;;

so.. i've also been wonderin? is this really a blog? i guess sso. lol. it's more like you and me chatting, email style, on a blog >.<


Hmmm. Nope. Don't know who he is. What's the hc dance? Ahh cause I would so know about who was in JPO xDD

Hahaha. Lesbian. Oh how they make me laugh. You would be the farthest thing from lesbian. But yes, I get what you mean xD girls are cool in ties too. Haha so if that makes someone lesbian, then we can be lesbian together. Heck yesss.

That sounded really strange.

So guess who's sitting right here next to me?!

Tiger ^^

He's soooooo cute. If I'm seeing him for the first time that day, and I walk over to him and say hello, he'll give me this huge smile ^_^ It's soo cute. It's really fun to make him laugh. He laughs a lot! Like if you talk to him in a high voice and smile a lot he'll laugh and smile back at you. He talks a lot too ^^ I mean not using words but making noises. And again, SO cute. Ahhh Tiger. My love.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


*gasp* you don't know max cleary? he did the hc dance during our skit for spirit week. XD he was also my jpo squad leader in fifth grade. and jin bae... .:sigh:. his HAIR is awesome girl!!!! like.. it's magical. <3 <3 <3 lol. though personality IS important... i guess. =/ XD... and not later. you are going to tell me NAO.

btw. yesterday, apparently i said something weird. cuz now everyone in our group thinks i'm a lesbian. since they started saying how guys look good in ties. so i said, "I like girls in ties too" and omg. you get what i mean right? please say so. I swear i'm not a lesbian. .... or am i? hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.. something for the world to ponder over.

and what are tables?